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Art Circle Public Library: Art Circle Library Foundation

Cumberland County, Tennessee



Regular Hours

*The Library begins shutdown
15 minutes before close*

Monday 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.


8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

*Public Internet & WiFi services shutdown
15 minutes before close*



(931) 484-6790  Library

(931) 456-2006  Archives

(931)  484-2350 Public Fax

(931)  707-8956 Business Fax



Art Circle Public Library

3 East Street

Crossville, TN  38555

Art Circle Library Foundation

The Art Circle Library Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to provide financial support for the Art Circle Public Library in Crossville, Cumberland County, Tennessee.

When you make a tax exempt donation to the Foundation, you will assist the Library to meet these goals:

  • Excellence in library services
  • Assistance to the public education system in Cumberland County
  • Creation of a center for the cultural and recreational enjoyment of the people of our community
  • Enhance economic development in our area

A Growing Library is the Keystone for a Growing Community

Cumberland County has one of the most rapidly growing populations in the State of Tennessee.  In this age of growing technology, the quest for knowledge has never been greater.

A Trip to the Library can be a coherent journey from the beginnings of writing and philosophy to the computerized technology of the modern era.  Knowledge and learning have changed the course of human events and our understanding of the world.


You can be part of the Progress!

An investment in your public library is an investment in your community.  The Art Circle Library Foundation is a 501(c)3 Corporation that financially supports the Art Circle Public Library.  The Foundation's first project is to raise funds necessary to furnish the library with new books, computers and other equipment, shelving and other furnishings.

All donations to the Foundation are tax exempt to the extent of the law.

Send all donations or inquiries to

Art Circle Library Foundation

3 East Street

Crossville TN 38555

ACL Foundation Board


Beth Wyatt Davis

Jelene Mercer

Jane Powers

Karen Cole

Chris Peterson

Hayden Shadden

Andrew Ingram

Sandy Sweeney Phillips

Malinda Stephens


Library Director

Profile Photo
James Houston
Library Director
Art Circle Public Library
3 East Street
Crossville TN 38555
(931) 484-6790

Website Disclaimer

The Art Circle Public Library provides information and services on the Internet as a benefit and service in furtherance of the library’s mission and vision statements. The Art Circle Public Library makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy or suitability of this information and these services for any purpose.  Although the Art Circle Public Library site may include links providing direct access to other Internet sites, Art Circle Public Library has not participated in the development of those other sites, and does not exert any editorial or other control over those other sites. Art Circle Public Library, therefore, takes no responsibility for the content or information contained on those other sites, and does not exert any editorial or other control over those other sites.